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In the competitive world of business, securing contracts is crucial for growth and success. In Nigeria, there are several compliance certificates and requirements that companies must fulfill in order to be eligible to bid on contracts. From tax clearance and pension compliance to BPP registration and audited financial statements, these requirements help to demonstrate a company’s financial stability, credibility, and commitment to following regulations. In this article, we will explore the essential compliance certificates and requirements for bidding on contracts in Nigeria.

1. TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE: This certificate confirms that a business is up-to-date with its tax obligations and is in good standing with the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS).

2. PENSION COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE: This certificate confirms that a business is compliant with the Nigerian Pension Reform Act and is making the required pension contributions for its employees.

3. NIGERIAN SOCIAL INSURANCE TRUST FUND (NSITF) COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE: This certificate confirms that a business is compliant with the NSITF Act and is making the required social insurance contributions for its employees.

4. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FUND (ITF) COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE: This certificate confirms that a business is compliant with the ITF Act and is making the required training contributions for its employees.

5. BPP (BUREAU OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT) CERTIFICATE: This certificate confirms that a business is registered with the Bureau of Public Procurement and is in compliance with the procurement laws and regulations in Nigeria.

In addition to the above-mentioned compliance certificates, it is also important for business owners in Nigeria to file their CAC Annual Returns and have an audited financial statement.

CAC Annual Returns are a requirement of the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and are necessary to keep a company’s registration up-to-date and in good standing. Failure to file annual returns may result in penalties or the eventual striking off of the company’s name from the CAC register.

An audited financial statement is an independently reviewed and verified financial report that provides assurance to stakeholders about the accuracy and reliability of a company’s financial information. This is particularly important for businesses bidding for contracts, as it demonstrates their financial stability and capacity to fulfill their obligations. An audited financial statement can also help to attract investment and improve a company’s credibility.

Regville Associates offers end-to-end legal, tax and secretarial service for companies. We assist Companies in obtaining relevant compliance documents needed to bid for any tenders and contracts in Nigeria.

We will be happy to hear from you.

Tolulope Oguntade 
Regville Associates 

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